Loch Sunart. RHIB diving trip


16/04/2025 - 21/04/2025    
All Day

Who's Booked


Trip over the Easter weekend with the club RHIB.  Organised by Jim Henshaw.

Four days diving with hopefully two dives per day.  Travel up to Scotland on Wednesday 16th April.  Dive Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.  Return home on easter Monday 21st April.

Suitable for members qualified to Sports Diver and above.

Accommodation is self catering, at Laga Lodge, in shared rooms.  Air filling facilities on site.  Cost for the lodge is £168 per person.  Additional costs for use of the club RHIB, fuel etc will be payable.  Also food, meals etc.

There are just 5 places available in addition to Jim.  To book for this trip, please contact Jim Henshaw direct via WhatsApp (you can get his Whatsapp details from any of the LSAC WhatsApp groups).  Jim will try to offer places on a ‘first come, first served’ basis.  However, for the trip to be viable, he does need another qualified RHIB Cox’n to book, and the male/female numbers will need to be right for the shared bedrooms in the lodge.  It is possible therefore that he may need to be selective as to who he accepts onto the trip.