Awards Night


All Day


Bookings closed

Who's Booked

Our main social event of the year!  We hope that all members will be able to come along to our fabulous awards night, and of course family and friends are welcome too.

This year we’re at a new venue!  We’re in the ballroom at The Royal Station Hotel in Carnforth which is a lovely room, with our own private bar and toilets.  The price is subsidised by the club, so we can offer tickets at just £20 per person.  This includes a buffet, music, dancing and presentation of our awards.

Awards to be presented are:  Trainee of the Year; Diligent Diver; Diver of the Year; Chairman’s Award; the two photography awards, and of course the self-nominated ‘Diving Numpty of the Year!

Start time 7pm.

Please book via the website, but as you can only book for yourself, please also message Rebecca Townend via WhatsApp (her details are in all the club WhatsApp groups), to let her know how many tickets you’d like.  She’ll let you know how to pay.

Just to tempt you further, the buffet comprises:

Selection of cold sandwiches.
Hand cut beef dripping chips.
Dressed salad.
Honey & Mustard Chipolatas.
Pork Pies – Piccalilli.
Dill & Wholegrain mustard dressed salmon.
Barbeque chicken Drumsticks.
Lancashire cheese and chive potato salad.
Barbers Cheddar Coleslaw
Atlantic Prawn Cocktail, Baby Gem Leaf, Pink lady.

It should be a great night!


Bookings are closed for this event.